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Baking equipment list and their uses

If you are a newbie in the art of baking, baking tools or equipment could seem overwhelming to you. Well, in the real sense, it is not. Don’t panic. In this article, I will show you the most essential tools, their uses, and probably where you can get them.
We have made a list of what we think are the top 10 must-haves for a beginner baker to have in their kitchen to get them started on the exciting art of Baking.

Baking tools guide

1. Measuring spoons and cups

Baking is an exact science and so you need to make sure you have the exact quantities as called for in the recipe. Measuring spoons and cups of various sizes are very crucial in ensuring good precision, a prerequisite in cake making.

measuring spoons and cups
measuring spoons and cups

2. Rolling pin

What is a rolling pin used for?

An essential tool in many bakeries and kitchens, rolling pins are used to evenly flatten everything from pie and pastry doughs to cookie and pasta doughs.

rolling pin
rolling pin

3. Baker’s knife

Baker’s Knife is an all-around utility knife for slicing cakes into layers and pastries into portions. Extra-strong blade with a coarsely serrated edge and rounded tip. This all-purpose knife is great for slicing, dicing, chopping, and mincing just about any ingredient your recipe calls for.

Bakers knife
baker’s knife

4. Parchment Paper

Parchment paper – also known as bakery paper, is a grease-proof paper that is used in baking and cooking as it provides a heat-resistant, non-stick surface to bake on.
Cookies baked on parchment paper slide right off the baking sheets effortlessly. Cake pans lined with parchment allow the cakes to flip easily out of pans, without clinging to the bottom or tearing the cake.

If you haven’t been baking with parchment paper, start now! Spreading a sheet over your pan before you start baking cookies will make clean-up much easier and prevent your baked goods from sticking to the pan

parchment paper

5. Spatula

The humble spatula. It doesn’t look like much but it really is an invaluable tool. Fantastic for folding ingredients together, scraping batter out of a bowl, and smoothing. It really is a baker’s best friend. I love these for smoothing on buttercreams, jams, icings, and pretty much anything that would need a coating.


6. An affordable hand mixer

As a beginner, going for a stand mixer would appear more fancy, however you do need at least a hand mixer in your arsenal of baking tools. There are a couple of uses for this tool, but blending batters and mixing wet with dry ingredients are some of the most common. and at high speeds can often do things like whip cream into a froth, which takes a lot of effort when done manually.

hand mixer
hand mixer

7. Cake pan

A cake pan is defined as a pan composed of metal, silicone, heat-proof glass, ceramic, or enameled metal that is safe for baking in the oven. There are a wide variety of cake pan types to achieve different cake styles and serving sizes. They have the bundt cake pan, the cup cake pans. sheet cake pans e.t.c. As a beginner, typical square, rectangular, or circular, traditional cake pans are the standard choice for baking many different kinds of cakes. While traditional cake pans come in a variety of sizes, they all have high, straight sides and flat bottoms, yielding cakes that you can torte or trim to make level, and then layer.

cake pan
cake pans

8. Pastry brush

Pastry brush also known as a basting brush, is a cooking utensil used to spread butter, oil or glaze on cake or brush egg wash on pie dough, puff pastry, or biscuits. Its an important tool in the kitchen for ‘finish touching’ in cake dressing.

pastry brush
pastry brush

9. Stainless steel bowl

Stainless steel bowls are best for mixing heavy ingredients. The bowls themselves are lightweight, making them a little easier to handle. They are also best for dough making.

steel bowl
stainless steel bowl

10. Whisk

A whisk is a cooking utensil that can be used to blend ingredients smooth or to incorporate air into a mixture, in a process known as whisking or whipping. Most whisks consist of a long, narrow handle with a series of wire loops joined at the end.


There are many other tools that you may begin to add to your cupboard. You need not have everything at once. However, decorating cake tools are listed and their uses are explained on our Cake designing tools.


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