Nigerian Palm Wine: Super Amazing Health Benefits plus Its Potency in Settling Dispute

umu nko palm wine

Nigerian Palm wine, a whole unadulterated one, does a lot of magic to its user. This beautiful wine is obtained from the sap of palm trees. The palm tree could be Raffia, date palm, palmyra, or even coconut palm.

Palm wine fermentation produces a tasty wine that is sweet, and acidic with approximately 4% alcoholic content. However, as the fermentation progresses to days, it has vinegar rather than more potent wine. This leads to a loss of sweetness, shortened shelf life, and decreased acceptability

Palm wine has super health benefits

Nigerian palm, notwithstanding its short lifespan, holds special roles amongst its fans. It has become a popular drink among the youth and the elderly. Below are super benefits that await those that consume it.

  • Palm wine helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases

Studies have shown that heart failure, which is an example of cardiovascular disease, can be regulated by drinking moderate amounts of palm wine.

Lindberg and Ezra conducted the study in 2008.

In addition, the potassium which is contained in palm wine has been proven to improve heart health and bring down hypertension.

  • Palm wine’s benefits for skin, hair, and nail is overwhelming.

Nigerian palm wine contains Iron and vitamin B complex. These nutrients are needed for healthy skin, hair, and nail. Iron is also very useful in the development, growth, and functioning of some cells in our body. This is why palm wine is helpful in promoting wound healing. Because it repairs the tissues and promotes the growth of healthy cells.

  • Nigerian Palm wine helps your vision

Palm wine contains the antioxidant, Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps in maintaining good eye health.
Additionally, it contains Vitamin B1 (thiamine), which also helps in improving our vision.

This is why it is still argued to date that our grandparents in the village have better eyesight than us because palm wine is their beverage.

  • Palm wine has the ability to fight cancer

Because it contains riboflavin, it could help fight cancer.

Riboflavin is vitamin B2.

Riboflavin is involved in many body processes. It’s required for the proper development of the skin, lining of the digestive tract, blood cells, and brain function.
Taking high-dose riboflavin by mouth seems to modestly reduce the number and severity of migraine headaches in adults.
A moderate consumption of fresh palm wine is enough to bless the body with the right amount of Vitamin B2.

  • Nigerian palm wine promotes lactation.

Lactation is the process of producing and releasing milk from the mammary glands in female breasts. Lactation begins in pregnancy when hormonal changes signal the mammary glands to make milk in preparation for the birth of your baby.

In countries like Cameroon, Ghana, and Nigeria, palm wine helps a lactating mother when she has limited breast milk production. It is very effective, and it works like magic. However, there is no good scientific evidence to support this claim.

Nigerian palm wine

Nigerian Palm wine: A potent tool in settling a dispute

Emeka and his uncle Daniel would never agree to each other’s claim. Both are claiming ownership of a parcel of land belonging to Emeka’s late grandfather. He had died without Will. As was accustomed to the people of that region, most properties are bequeathed to relatives by word of mouth. Without proof, both of them are laying claim to the land, each asserting that it was given to them.

In the circumstances where there are no documents to support the claim, or there is but is in contention, you could be left with no choice but to pour libations. Libation is an African form of prayer (invocation) that involves pouring a liquid (here palm wine) on the earth whilst verbally calling on assistance from the realm of the spirit for manifestation in reality. It was a drink offering to honor and please the various divinities, sacred ancestors, humans present and not present, as well as the environment. In my place (Ehime Mbano), it is called Iwu uza Mmanya.

Iwu uza Mmanya

Libation is very powerful in my area. It is more potent than going to the traditional native doctor to seek redress. This is because it is believed that anyone whose charm is more powerful than the deity of the native doctor/priest may be protected from the deity’s wrath if indeed he is guilty as charged. But here, Itu uza mmanya is a highly natural phenomenon that involves the Nigerian palm wine, the earth, and the invocation of our ancestors. As yagbeonline would emphatically say, the role of liquid offering is central in the ritual of libation, the ultimate meaning of which is the necessity for the restoration and maintenance of the cosmic order.

Nigerian palm wine on the other hand is a universal drink and so is considered a uniting factor for all races. The invocation ( the calling of God, ancestors, and gods alike) for assistance is divinity itself. Above all, this spiritual science is performed on soil (earth). We all belong to the earth. We hold respect for the interdependent web of all existence, of which we are a part of. We are part and parcel of the earth. Anything invoked on its altar stands tall anywhere.


The type of palm wine used for this ritual matters a lot. For an optimal result, the palm wine obtained from a palm tree (nkwu enu) is used and not a raffia palm tree (ngwo).

The palm wine, once taken from the tree, is not allowed to reach the ground. And again, for better results, it is allowed to stay up there where it is hung for 7 days before its use. The arrangement is made to take the palm wine from the palm wine tapper while he is still up.

The rightful place to perform this libation should be the common place where the kindred normally meets. Or a cross path where humans live.

The person required to anchor this libation is likely to be the eldest among that clan, assuming he is from the family that is considered the most senior.

Everyone is expected to take part in the drinking, including the two warring parties. A small portion is left for the libation. The elderly who is anchoring this ritual will call on their ancestors, invoking them to come from the valley of death to wade into the matter. Other elderly people around may be given an opportunity to call on their different ancestors, thus making this exercise even more potent.

When the elders gather together to call upon their maker and forefathers, nothing on earth they could not achieve.

The two warring parties will then take their turn to denounce or affirm what their actions are in the matter. They are guided on what to say by the anchor man. Once they finish the pronouncements which normally carry penalties if indeed you perpetrated the act or lied, they smash the cup containing the palm wine with their feet.

Once this is over, everyone goes home and justice takes the seat.

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