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NaijahFresh Butterred/Milk Bread


Here at NaijahFresh, we can’t stress the importance of bread. It is our policy to make Enugu’s Best Bread and to achieve this, we source the finest quality ingredients to make the best quality product on a continuous basis to the highest quality standards. Bread is a staple food prepared by baking a dough of flour and water. It is popular around the world, in every household in Enugu, and is one of the world’s oldest foods.

The virtually infinite combinations of different flours and differing proportions of ingredients have resulted in the wide variety of types, shapes, sizes, and textures available around the world.

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Buy Our Milk Bread

Our buttered or milk bread is a class on its own.

Here at NaijahFresh, we can’t stress the importance of bread. It is our policy to make Enugu’s Best Bread and to achieve this, we source the finest quality ingredients to make the best quality product on a continuous basis to the highest quality standards. Bread is a staple food prepared by baking a dough of flour and water. It is popular around the world, in every household in Enugu, and is one of the world’s oldest foods.

The virtually infinite combinations of different flours and differing proportions of ingredients have resulted in the wide variety of types, shapes, sizes, and textures available around the world.

Learn how to bake your bread at home with our simple clear steps.


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