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Corn flour


Like all flours, cornflour gives structure to baked goods and other foods. It’s often combined with a binder like eggs to provide shape. Corn flour doesn’t taste very good raw, but cooking—whether it’s baking, frying, or grilling—unlocks its earthy, sweet flavor. Corn flour is extremely versatile, and you can incorporate it into recipes for bread, muffins, waffles, pancakes, battered and fried foods, blinis, and more.

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Corn flour at the best price

Corn flour is a type of flour that’s milled from dried whole corn kernels. It contains the hull, germ, and endosperm of corn and is considered a whole grain flour. Corn flour is usually yellow, but it can also be white or blue depending on the variety of corn it uses. The texture is fine and smooth, similar to whole wheat flour. Corn flour alternatives are Potato flour, Whole wheat flour, Plantain flour e.t.c.



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