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Crayfish (half painter)


Crayfish is known for both its great taste and a lot of vitamin minerals. Categorized as seafood, studies have shown that cooked crayfish are rich in vitamin B, copper, selenium, protein, iron, zinc, and amino acids. And they help promote body metabolism as well as regenerating body cells.

SKU: MFZ10038-1 Category: Tags: ,

Buy Crayfish From Akwaibom At The Best Price


Crayfish is known for both its great taste and a lot of vitamin minerals.

Categorized as seafood, studies have shown that cooked crayfish are rich in vitamin B, copper, selenium, protein, iron, zinc, and amino acids. And they help promote body metabolism as well as regenerating body cells.

They are used as a seasoning in Nigerian cooking. It adds a very traditional flavor to whatever it is used to cook.  This is why you will mostly find it in Nigerian soups for Fufu meals, Concoction Rice, and many more

We also sell in small portions for people with small budgets.


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