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Honeyfields 50 Fat Balls


Wild bird treats that all garden birds will love. These provide a valuable and nutritious treat, all year round. Ideal to feed on our bird tables and ground feeders.

50 High energy fat balls ideal for all year round feeding to a wide variety of wild birds with no plastic netting. Wholesome natural ingredients, a softer texture ideal for smaller birds and added seeds for improved palatability.

SKU: MEGA-SHOE-02 Category:

Bird Food Honeyfields 50 Fat Balls


Fat balls are a popular treat providing an all-year-round, high-energy, highly nutritious food source for wild birds.

Best fed through a wire mesh feeder, these fat balls have a softer texture making them ideal for smaller birds. Seeds have also been added for birds to enjoy.

Honeyfield’s – Fat Balls are high quality fat balls that give visiting birds the energy they need for nesting, migration, surviving winter and more.

50 High energy fat balls ideal for all year round feeding to a wide variety of wild birds with no plastic netting. Wholesome natural ingredients, a softer texture ideal for smaller birds and added seeds for improved palatability. The reason why you should choose this awesome pet food include:

  • High energy food source for wild birds
  • Highly nutritious
  • Attracts birds to your home
  • Popular many species of bird
  • Can be used or fed to the birds on a table, feeder or the ground

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