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Kirkland Vanilla Organic Soy – 946ml


Buy Kirkland soya milk at Naijah Fresh store. Cholesterol free. Calcium citrate enriched. Vitamin fortified. Buy and get free delivery.

Do you want to learn how to make your soya milk at home? We have a comprehensive article on how to make the best soya at home.

Shop Kirkland soya milk at the best price

Buy Kirkland soya milk at NaijahFresh store. Cholesterol free. Calcium citrate enriched. Vitamin fortified. Buy and get free delivery. Our Kirkland Signature organic soy beverage is proudly made with soybeans grown and processed in Canada.

Do you want to learn how to make your soya milk at home? We have a comprehensive article on how to make the best soya at home.

Alpro Soy milk and Vitamilk Soy drink are great alternatives.


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