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Laziz vegetable oil 5 litres Best Price


Laziz is a good vegetable oil that is 100% cholesterol-free. It can be used for cooking and frying. It’s very dominant in Nigeria with so many health benefits abound.

If you are concerned about your cholesterol level or you are diabetic, please read our blog on The ultimate guide to cooking oil and cholesterol.

  • Health Benefits of Laziz Vegetable Oil

Cooking Oil
Heart-friendly vegetable oil
Laziz oil does not contain cholesterol and artificial additives
Suitable for cooking, baking, and frying

If you want to consider another brand, Kings oil 5 litres is worth trying.

Laziz oil 5 litres at the best price


Laziz oil is a good vegetable oil that is 100% cholesterol-free. It can be used for cooking and frying. It’s very dominant in Nigeria with so many health benefits abound. Are you diabetic or concern about your cholesterol levels? The ultimate guide to cooking oil and cholesterol is for you.

Health Benefits of Laziz Vegetable Oil

  • Cooking Oil
  • Heart-friendly vegetable oil
  • Laziz oil does not contain cholesterol and artificial additives
  • Suitable for cooking, baking, and frying

If you want to consider another brand, Kings oil 5 litres is worth trying.

Find out how Laziz oil is compared to other cooking oil brands in our post, top oil brands in Nigeria and their cholesterol levels.

According to studies by the National library of science , high blood cholesterol is the strongest risk factor for coronary artery disease such as stroke. And so, taking oil of saturated fats is its largest contributor. Contrary to common belief, the contribution of dietary cholesterol to blood cholesterol is small. Most vegetable cooking oils are low in saturated fats and are “heart healthy” with the important exception of tropical oils, such as coconut and palm oil, which are very rich in saturated fats.


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