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Oha leaves African rosewood plant


Oha, sometimes called Ora according to dialect is a popular vegetable native to the Igbos used mainly in making delicious Ora soup. The plant is medicinal and grows into a huge tree that retains its green leaves throughout the year.

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Oha leaf is considered a medicinal tree in Nigeria. It retains its green leaves all year round.
It has many nutrients such as calcium, amino acids, iron, potassium, fiber, vitamins A and C, and more.

The English name for Oha leaves is the African Rosewood plant.

Oha leaves benefits

The dietary fiber contents help to improve digestive function and absorption of other nutrients. The fibre content also helps to prevent and treat constipation.

  • Its high fiber makes it beneficial in controlling blood glucose levels. It is very beneficial in diabetic patients in controlling their blood glucose levels.
  • Oha leaf contains zinc which has repairing and protective properties for the mucosa of the intestinal. This helps in the treatment of diarrhea for effective recovery of the intestine.
  • It can be used in the treatment of anemia. This is because the leaf is rich in iron mineral which is very important in red blood cell formation. Also, this therapeutic use is boosted by the vitamin C present in the leaf.
  • Oha leaf also contains vitamin C which is the best vitamin used to boost the immune system. The immune system will be effective in attacking microbes.
  • Calcium in the oha leaf helps to enhance the formation of strong bones.
  • Other health benefits include the formation of collagen, improving brain function, helping the heart to contract normally, building muscle mass, reducing muscle cramps, keeping healthy eyes, and protecting of the nervous system.
  • It is also used in the treatment of malaria, maintenance of the pH of the body, and also to reduce inflammation.


It is used mainly in making Ora soup.


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