Thomas Barton Graves 75 CL


The wine Thomas Barton Reserve Graves is a white wine produced in the Bordeaux region in France, by Barton & Guestier. It contains citrus and white fruit, with mineral and well-integrated oaky overtones. Graves Blanc is a blend of Semilion and Sauvignon blanc grapes. The wine is classy, crisp, and fruity, with a rich palate that has a perfect balance of freshness, and roundness with a good acidic level.

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The wine Thomas Barton Reserve Graves is a white wine produced in the Bordeaux region in France, by Barton & Guestier. It contains citrus and white fruit, with mineral and well-integrated oaky overtones. Graves Blanc is a blend of Semilion and Sauvignon blanc grapes. The wine is classy, crisp, and fruity, with a rich palate that has a perfect balance of freshness, and roundness with a good acidic level.

Not sure about this beautiful wine, try Carlo Rossi.



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