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Premium Homemade Tomato Paste – 500g

Original price was: £19.00.Current price is: £15.00.

There is a huge difference between the taste, flavor, and aroma of our homemade tomato paste and the shop-bought tomato paste. Our homemade tomato paste is full of tomato goodness.

This tomato paste recipe has been adapted from my cooking school notes. This is quite a different recipe and includes ginger, garlic, and dry red chilies.


Buy Homemade Tomato Paste Online

Our premium homemade tomato paste has a deep, mellow, caramelized flavor. It is quite unlike the acidity of store-bought paste like the Sonia brand or the Clappa paste. It makes a world of difference when you add it to your favorite dishes.
There is one thing you should keep in mind: While any tomato can be used to make tomato paste, the kind of tomato you pick will make a difference in your final product.

We use only fresh, firm, and plum utc tomatoes because they are meaty and have fewer seeds. Their flavour is also strong.

Our homemade paste is an entirely different paste. It is more delicious. More local and more homely. It is far better than the kind you can buy at the supermarket.

It is entirely a class on its own.

Buy the best tomato paste for any sauce you want to make. Our concentrate also has Tatashe and Shombo so as to amplify and deepen the premium taste.




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