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Udara (African star apple)


Udara is one of the native fruits which are indigenous to tropical African countries like Nigeria and contains lots of nutrients that are numerous and beneficial to health. Africa Star Apple is used in treating high blood pressure, diarrhea, digestive issues and fever, and lots more. At a glance, the African cherry appears rather small and insignificant in comparison with many other fruits.

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Udara is one of the native fruits which are indigenous to tropical African countries like Nigeria

It contains lots of nutrients that are numerous and beneficial to health. Africa Star Apple is used in treating high blood pressure, diarrhea, digestive issues and fever, and lots more. At a glance, Udara appears rather small and insignificant in comparison with many other fruits. Yet, experts on nutrition have repeatedly affirmed its uncommon nutritional benefits as well as its efficacy in the prevention and management of diabetes and heart diseases.


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