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Utazi leaves Arokeke


Utazi leaf is heart-shaped with a somewhat bitter taste and it is usually eaten raw. It is mostly used as a garnish for food like African salad(Abacha&Ugba), Isiewu, and Nkwobi, but it is also used for soups like Nsala, utazi soup, and a special fish and unripe plantain recipe for diabetic patients.

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Utazi leaves is mildly bitter, spicy taste, that enhances the taste of the food it is used to cook. It is called arokeke from the people in the South West.

It is widely used in the preparation of soups because it enhances both the taste and aroma of the food. It is also used because of its immense health benefits. That is why Utazi leaves are also a common ingredient in the preparation of local herbs.

Utazi and Uziza leaves

Utazi is bitter and is used in cooking porridge, pepper soup, African salad. Uziza has a nice flavour, is used in cooking Oha soup, fresh fish pepper soup and many more dishes.



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