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Watermelon fruit price and more


The watermelon is a large fruit of a more or less spherical shape. … It has an oval or spherical shape and a dark green and smooth rind, sometimes showing irregular areas of a pale green color. It has a sweet, juicy, refreshing flesh of yellowish or reddish color, containing multiple black, brown, or white pip

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Buy watermelon at the best price

The watermelon is a large fruit of a more or less spherical shape. It has an oval or spherical shape and a dark green and smooth rind, sometimes showing irregular areas of a pale green color. It has a sweet, juicy, refreshing flesh of yellowish or reddish color, containing multiple black, brown, or white pip. Watermelon is very nutritious and loaded with nutrients.  Watermelon is packed with lots of water content that helps to keep the body hydrated.

How Watermelon can be eaten

  • Watermelon slice

The most classic way is to slice it into hand-held pieces and eat it right down to the rind. However, cutting up melon into chunks and eating with skewers or a fork is also perfectly delicious.

  • Watermelon juice

Watermelon makes the perfect subtle base for a blended drink. It is so simple to make with a blender. Refreshingly sweet and hydrating, it’s perfect for a hot summer day. With its high water content, it is a perfect fruit for juicing.  Besides, it is very delicious and it is encouraged to be made at home.

  • Watermelon rind

The rind is the firm white part of the fruit that is tossed behind after the bright pink flesh has been eaten or scooped away. We normally leave this part of the fruit, but it has a crisp texture similar to a cucumber and is pretty versatile.

By now, we’ve all heard about watermelon juice, which is made from the juicy, red flesh of the melon. The juice can be made from the rind too.  Just like the watermelon flesh, the rind is loaded with water and nutrients.

The rind can also be stir-fried. When it’s cut up, the rind is just like any other vegetable. This means it can be tossed in a pan and stir-fried right alongside broccoli and carrots.

They are high in fiber, which aids in digestion.  It also helps to regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels. They are also a good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium. Eating the rinds has also been shown to reduce blood pressure, due to their high levels of citrulline

Benefits of Watermelon

  • Helps you stay hydrated

When it comes to helping assuage thirst, it is the best quencher. It consists of 92% of water, making it a great choice for daily water intake.

  • Heart happy

It is proudly (and deservedly too) heart-friendly. It is cholesterol-free, fat-free, and sodium-free, and has 80 calories per serving.

Some experts believe that free radicals contribute to the development of asthma. The presence of certain antioxidants in the lungs, including vitamin C, may reduce the risk of having asthma.


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