How to prepare zobo drink, a toast from the north

how to prepare zobo drink

What is Zobo?

The English name of Zobo or Zoborodo is Hibiscus sabdariffa tea or drink.
Zobo is the word in the Hausa language for the edible plant flower, Hibiscus Sabdariffa. The name of this popular drink zobo is derived from the name of this flower.
The Zobo drink is a popular beverage and it originated in Nigeria. The drink is made from dried Roselle leaves used extensively in medical applications.
Zobo is very nutritious because it contains several nutrients, including Vitamin C, Calcium, Phosphorous, Iron, Niacin, Riboflavin, Carotene, Fiber, Fat, etc. Because of these essential nutrients, the hibiscus flower contains, It is regarded as a very healthy drink with lots of amazing health benefits.

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Zobo Ingredients

Ingredients for Zobo drink are relatively simple and can be gotten from the market near you or check our shop.

zobo ingredients

Zobo leaves

Dried roselle, known locally as ‘Yakwan Zobo’ in the Hausa language, is the principal ingredient for Zobo preparation. Without the zobo leaf, no Zobo drink exists. Apart from the flavor it brings into the spice blend, it also gives the drink its clear reddish color.


Cloves, known locally as “Kanumfari”, are one of the dried ingredients used to prepare Zobo. We use them because of the aroma and flavor they add to the drink. It is considered the best flavor for zobo drinks.

Star anise seeds

Star anise seeds, commonly used in pharmaceuticals, are also used as a spice in the preparation of Zobo. Star anise seeds enhance the Zobo drink by deepening and enriching the flavor of other ingredients. The flavor is extracted from the seeds when they are heated with other Zobo ingredients.

Cinnamon sticks

Cinnamon sticks, known as ‘Kirfa’ in the Hausa language are obtained from the inner rind of several species of trees.
Cinnamon sticks are used as an aromatic condiment in the preparation of Zobo. They are broken into smaller pieces during preparation and are also used to add flavor to the Zobo drink.

False cubeb pepper

False cubeb pepper or bush pepper, known locally as Masoro, subtly gives Zobo a bittersweet taste. Within the narrow short shell are seeds that are a bit identical to peppercorns. False cubeb pepper is used in many liquor preparations.
In preparation for the Zobo drink, masoro is boiled in full, both bark and seed, which is said to aid digestion.

Pineapple chunks

Pineapples are boiled with other Zobo ingredients in a pot of water to add a natural sweetness to the spice blend. However, other sweeteners like sugar or honey can be used.

Garnish and Spices

Dried ginger roots known as Citta in the Hausa language are commonly used in beverages including tea and Zobo. The ginger is boiled with other Zobo ingredients. It is herbal with good aromatic and flavorful qualities. Slices of lemons, known as “Lemuntsami” in Hausa, can also be added for garnishing and adding a light citrus flavor to the drink.

How to prepare zobo

Zobo is mostly prepared by simply adding all the ingredients and boiling in water for some time like 30 minutes.

  • In a pot, put the washed zobo leaves and pour enough water to cover it totally.
  • Cook on medium heat and leave to boil for 5 minutes.
  • Add the ginger and the garlic, add more water, and keep boiling for at least 30 minutes. The zobo leaves will grow soft at this time.
  • Turn off the heat and set it aside to cool down completely. Blend your pineapple while your zobo cools.
  • When it cools, sieve out the zobo leaves. Then pour the juice through a sieve cloth to remove tiny particles and leave only a smooth juice.
  • Add the pineapple juice. Add any artificial flavors of your choice at this time and stir very well. Pour into plastic bottles and refrigerate.

Zobo recipe (sorrel drink)

  • 2 cups of dry zobo leaves
  • 2 tablespoons of cloves (konafuru)
  • 2 stumps of fresh ginger.
  • 1 big ripe pineapple
  • Slices of citrus fruits of your choice: orange, lemon, lime – to garnish it

Health Benefits of Zobo Drink

Zobo drink benefits outrank its cons if any.

Zobo drink

Regulate High Blood Pressure

Several studies have revealed that regular intake of Zobo can help regulate and balance high blood pressure, especially in a group with prehypertension and mild hypertension in adults.
This is made possible by the enzyme inhibitor found in the Hibiscus leaves; This is as reported by Outpost Health based on a 2010 study.

Restore Your Appetite

As I earlier mentioned, Zobo drink contains formidable nutrients like Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Niacin, etc. And because it has antibacterial properties, it fights bacteria in the gut and helps boost digestion and prevent digestion issues.

Promote Weight Loss

Zobo drink has been found to help in managing weight. People do ask, “Does Zobo drink burn belly fat?” Yes, it does. Zobo drink has a low fat and sugar content but a lot of fiber which helps in trimming weight. If you make your zobo without sugar, then I’ll bet you, you are on the right track in getting your weight checked.

Deal with Kidney Disease

Regular intake of Zobo drink which contains organic acids like tartaric acid, citric acid, maleic acid, etc. are proven to be effective for dealing with kidney disease,

Men Sexuality

Improves sperm count and motility. Zobo drink, because it is made from a plant protein, helps in improving sperm fertility and even more when it is paired with ginger and garlic. Zobo drink and fertility in men have been rooted for centuries. It enhances the sexual drive in men and also their ability to stay stronger. The Health Benefits of zobo drink to man are obvious among the men who take it.

Female Sexuality and side effects

Zobo drink is one of those herbs that you hear a lot about for overall health. Zobo drink has a high level of polyphenols and it is a supercharged antioxidant to fight inflammation. And polyphenols contain powerful anti-cancer properties. Fibroids can be managed with Zobo drink intake.

Zobo drink and menstruation

Stimulates menses: As a woman who suffers from irregular menstruation, taking Zobo drink can help restore balance.

Reduces menstrual pain:

Zobo drink is also great for women who suffer painful cramps while menstruating as it provides natural relief.

Zobo drink and pregnancy

People often ask if taking a zobo drink can terminate the pregnancy or if a pregnant woman can drink zobo. Yes, they can but with good caution. Though the experiment is still done among animals (rats), it is believed that regular intake can contribute to low birth weight. Children born with low birth weight struggle to survive and may be kept in intensive care units for optimal care.

Can Zobo drink cause miscarriage? The answer is yes. Zobo drinks are often taken to induce labor. In other words, Zobo drink can cause premature labor and miscarriage, leading to pregnancy loss. It would be ideal to take it lightly when you are pregnant.

Zobo drink and ovulation

However, Zobo helps to boost and improves a woman’s chances of getting pregnant. Zobo does this by helping to stimulate the ovary to release eggs for fertilization. It is even believed that zobo affects fertility positively by increasing a woman’s chances of giving birth to twins.

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