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Blue band Margarine butter


Blue Band is packed with Omega 3 and 6, micronutrients like Vitamins A and D. It is also low in saturated fats, higher in unsaturated fats, and free from trans-fat compared to dairy products. Blue Band does not pose the dangers of high levels of bad cholesterol.

Blue band margarine butter

Blue Band is packed with Omega 3 and 6, micronutrients like Vitamins A and D. It is also low in saturated fats, higher in unsaturated fats, and free from trans-fat compared to dairy products. It does not pose the dangers of high levels of bad cholesterol.

All you need to know about the butter is represented on the blue band company website.

Blue band butter is a dairy product made of churning cream. Conversely, margarine is a product designed to imitate butter. While butter is mainly composed of dairy fat, margarine is typically produced from vegetable oils


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