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Hollandia yoghurt 1 litre price


Yogurt is a dairy product made by fermenting milk with yogurt culture. It provides protein and calcium, and it may enhance healthy gut bacteria. Hollandia yoghurt is exceptionally rich in taste and minerals.

Learn how to prepare yogurt at home instead if you desire.


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Hollandia Yoghurt Price


Hollandia yogurt is for sale online. Our price is unbeatable.

Milk with yogurt culture is the main ingredient of this noble drink. It is also good for a weight loss.

It is a dairy product made by fermenting milk with yogurt culture. It provides protein and calcium, and it may enhance healthy gut bacteria. Yogurt is exceptionally rich in taste and minerals.

It is a healthy drinking yogurt that gives you great-tasting and nourishing goodness for your inner and outer well-being. Enjoy the variety of plain or fruit flavors. It is available in different pack sizes for your drinking delight.

Learn how to prepare yogurt at home instead if you desire.

Hollandia yogurt benefits

Beyond being a refreshing dairy beverage, Hollandia Yoghurt has, since its inception in 2005 been at the forefront of providing wholesome nutrition and nourishing goodness, and driving consumer awareness of the health benefits of yogurt.

  • Hollandia Yoghurt contains protein and many essential vitamins and minerals such as Vitamins A, B6, B12 & Calcium. These nutrients help boost our immunity, prevent certain illnesses, and enable us to live healthier lives.
  • Besides providing wholesome nourishment, other benefits of the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients contained in Hollandia Yoghurt are providing increased energy, reducing fatigue, preventing reduced levels of alertness, as well as improving overall cognitive and mental performance.
  • It can be consumed on the go, at work, at school, at play, or at any other time or place,” it added.

Hollandia Yoghurt is made from high-quality ingredients and is available in two variants, Plain Sweetened, and Strawberry. Both variants come in 1Litre, 500ml, 315ml, 180ml and 100ml pack sizes.

If you loved Hollandia, you will also like CWAY Nutri Yo Yoghurt or Peak milk yogurt.

It also comes in many sizes and it is up to you to know what size you want.

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