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Milk & Plant-Based Milk

Milk and plant-based milk

Milk (whether cow milk or plant-based) is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, particularly calcium. It has an essential role in bone health. Nutritionists recommend that people have milk and other dairy products, such as yogurt and cheese, every day as part of a balanced diet.

Milk contains 13 essential nutrients like high-quality protein, calcium, vitamin D, and more.

Many choose plant-based alternatives to cow’s milk for themselves or their children because they want or need to avoid dairy. Others believe these non-dairy drinks are healthier than cow’s milk. The number of people choosing nondairy, plant-based alternatives to cow’s milk appears to be growing.

Some of the different types of plant-based milk products include:

  • almond
  • hemp
  • oat
  • soy
  • coconut
  • rice

We have many plant-based milk products at the best price. Soy milk, Almond drink, and tiger nut drink are just a few of them on our shelf.

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