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Milk & Flavoured Milk

Milk beverage

Milk is one of the most popular beverages in the world. It is often associated with good health.

Milk is a natural food source for mammals. Animals, including humans, produce milk to feed their young until their intestine tracts are matured for solid food.

Generally speaking, there are two different types of milk: Dairy milk and Non-Dairy milk.

Dairy Milk

Dairy milk is milk from a cow or other domestic animal (such as a goat).

Dairy milk is classified as whole milk (3.25% milk fat), reduced-fat milk (2%), low-fat milk (1%), and fat-free milk, which is also known as skimmed milk.

  • Whole Milk: Whole milk is cow’s milk that is similar to fresh milk obtained from a cow. It still retains its wholeness including fat content ((3.25% milk fat). The difference between whole milk and other milk is its fat content. An example of a whole milk product is Peak milk full cream.
  • Reduced Fat Milk: Reduced-fat milk is labeled as 2% milk, which means the milkfat is 2% of the total weight of the milk. It has the same great health benefits and contains the same nutrients as full cream milk but less fat.
  • Low-Fat Milk: As the name implies, it has a low-fat content per serving. That should be around 1%. The difference between low-fat milk and whole milk is the amount of fat in each serving.
  • Fat-Free Milk: Also known as Skim milk, it has no fat content. It is ideal for people looking to cut down on calories and fat. Despite the lack of fat, the 13 essential nutrients in milk remain intact.
  • Flavored Milk: Flavored milk is a sweetened dairy drink made with milk, sugar, flavorings, and sometimes food colorings.
    Flavored milk is a nutritional powerhouse that is a healthy alternative to soft drinks and fruit juice. One serving contains thirteen essential vitamins and minerals. The data shows that flavored milk contains more nutrients and less sugar than juices and sports drinks. A good example is Dano flavored milk. Drinking flavored milk can help children meet the recommendation for three daily servings of dairy foods while providing key nutrients necessary for growth and development.
  • Raw Milk: It is milk straight from the cow. It is not pasteurized. It’s not widely available for purchase due to safety concerns.

Non-Dairy Milk

Non-dairy milk is simply milk that is obtained aside from animals like plants. They are often referred to as plant-based milk.

Plant milk is a non-dairy beverage made from a water-based plant extract for flavoring and aroma.

Non-dairy milk such as rice, soya milk, and almond milk is popular right now. This could be because of many reasons. Some choose these kinds of milk because of lactose intolerance or allergy to cow’s milk. People with lactose intolerance are unable to fully digest the lactose in cow’s milk. As a result, they have diarrhea, gas, and bloating after eating or drinking dairy products. Other families eat a vegan diet that eliminates all animal products.

13 Essential Nutrients in Milk

Protein: Protein helps to build and repair tissue. It also maintains a healthy immune system.

Calcium: Milk is the top food source of calcium. Calcium helps to build and maintain strong bones and teeth.

Vitamin D: Vitamin D is essential for bone strength and may support the immune system and other functions.

Phosphorus: It supports tissue growth. It is instrumental to the healthy growth of bones and teeth.

Vitamin A: It helps to keep and maintain healthy skin and eyes. It helps to maintain a healthy immune system.

Riboflavin: Also known as Vitamin B2, Riboflavin helps our body to use fat, carbohydrates, and protein for fuel.

Vitamin B12: This vitamin helps build red blood cells, support heart health, and maintain the central nervous system.

Pantothenic acid: It helps with normal blood flow and keeps the nervous system healthy.

Niacin: One of four B vitamins in milk, niacin helps to convert food into energy and helps to regulate metabolism.

Zinc: Zinc helps maintain normal growth and a healthy immune system. It also helps to maintain healthy skin.

Iodine: Necessary for proper bone and brain development during pregnancy and infancy. It is linked to cognitive function in childhood.

Selenium: It helps to regulate metabolism. It also helps protect healthy cells from damage.

Potassium: Helps maintain healthy blood pressure and supports heart health. Helps regulate body fluid balance and helps maintain normal muscle function.



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